Episode 82 How To Create Multiple Streams Of Income: Interview with Tamara Howell

Sep 28, 2022

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit and can’t decide on just one idea to develop? Can you create multiple streams of income using your counseling skills?

MEET Tamara Howell

Tamara is a psychotherapist and private practice coach for therapists offering online courses, workshops, paperwork templates, and coaching groups.

Find out more at Practice With Tamara and connect with Tamara on Instagram

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  • What is a multi-offer ecosystem? 6:06
  • Why have multiple streams of income?  7:52
  • What are common streams of income for therapists? 15:15

What Is A Multi-Offer Ecosystem?

  • Understanding a standard sales funnel
  • How to make each of your sales offers independent of each other
  • Creating better offers for your ideal clients with this system
  • Reaching more people by creating different and unique offerings

Why Have Multiple Streams Of Income?

  • Finding an outlet for someone with an entrepreneurial drive
  • Creating connections and opportunities consistently
  • Having flexibility when you have multiple streams of income
  • The difference between passive income and scalable income

What Are Common Streams Of Income For Therapists?

  • Learning from your everyday routines and processes when generating ideas
  • Examining how much time certain things take you and creating a more efficient system
  • Different types of models for sharing this information with others
  • Presenting your ideas in a new and different way than what is already available

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The Traveling Therapist by Kym Tolson


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Chris McDonald: Welcome to the holistic counseling podcast, where you discover diverse wellness modalities, advice on growing your integrative practice and grow confidence in being your unique self. I'm your host, Chris McDonald. I'm so glad you're here for the journey.

Do you give so much to others that you're left feeling drained? Is it hard for you to engage in consistent self care practices? The past couple years have been heavy for us all, and many of us are feeling stretched thin. I am offering you an hour long webinar on September 28th from noon to 1:00 PM.

Eastern called holistic self care boundaries for therapists and this webinar you'll gain tools on how to set emotional boundaries, physical. And energetic boundaries. You will learn some invaluable hands on skills to help fill yourself up and stay grounded so that you can boost your overall wellness.

So you can show up as your best self for your clients. Ready to put yourself first, go to holistic counseling podcast.com/holistic-webinars/looking forward to seeing you there. Welcome to today's episode of the holistic counseling podcast. I'm your host, Chris McDonald. If you are a new listener to this podcast, I wanna say welcome as a listener, you have access to my free nine part email course becoming a holistic counselor.

In this course, you'll explore different holistic strategies. How to develop your skills as a holistic counselor, and how to manifest your holistic practice through journaling. Go to www.holisticcounselingpodcast.com. Scroll down and enter your name and email address today. Have you wanted to find other ways to boost your income using your counseling skills, but you aren't sure how to get started today's guess is Tamara Howell and she's here today to share with you how to create multiple income streams.

Tamara is a psychotherapist private practice coach for therapists offering online courses. Paperwork templates and coaching groups. She lives in London in Paris is vegans loves cats and is a London underground train enthusiast. Welcome to the podcast

Tamara Howell: TA mayor. Hi, thanks so much for having me today, Chris, I

Chris McDonald: feel like you keep messing up your name.

Cause I, I know we talked about

Tamara Howell: this.

Chris McDonald: Your name is pretty different by different tomorrow, tomorrow, right?

Tamara Howell: Yeah. I feel like, um, you know, depends where you come from. Some people say Tamara, some people say Tamara and, uh, I like ways, but mine just happens to be tomorrow. I got it

Chris McDonald: now. See. Okay. So yeah, you're my kind of person.

If you love cats.

Tamara Howell: Oh, good. Yeah. Well, I've got two and oh nice. I am a really, I'm actually a really big fan of having three cats, but we just have two at the moment. Okay. Yeah.

round. I, I went to London in:

Tamara Howell: Yeah, it's amazing. I think I, I only really got into the kind of enthusiast territory, uh, because I have a child who's really into oh, okay. The tube. And also, we just had a new train line. The Elizabeth line was just opened a few months ago. And so that was. Very super exciting for lots of Londoners and a good opportunity to learn about the history of the underground


Chris McDonald: But can you tell my listeners a little bit more about yourself and

Tamara Howell: your. Sure. So I'm based in London and Paris. I'm actually near Paris at the moment. And I have been in private practice for, I guess, about 12 or 13 years now. And I I'm really excited to talk about, uh, multiple income streams. I think mainly because I always thought we had to pick one special thing.

Right. You know, we had to pick one business and one special project. And over the years I've sort of seen lots of people and followed in the footsteps of people who have multiple income stream and, you know, kind of umbrellas sort of ecosystems. Multi offer, you know, multi offer businesses. And that's been, it's been amazing for me because I'm a person that has a lot of ideas.

So I think I started with my paperwork templates. At some point when I overhauled my private practice, I came back after maternity leave and I did like a big, you know, threw everything away and started from scratch. And then I did a wrote a free. Just accidentally put something together. And I used to just, um, I didn't know anything about mailing lists or marketing or selling things or anything like that.

And I would just put stuff on a website and be like, download here, and then you could just click and it would download. And you wouldn't have to put your email address in or, oh no. anything, hundreds and hundreds of people just clicking, clicking, clicking. I didn't know how to track it. I didn't, I didn't have any information.

And one day, you know, someone said to me, do you think maybe you wanna ask for people's email addresses so that you can tell them the next time you make something? And I was like, oh, that's a really good idea. You know, so, so I guess that's, that's how it started really just creating things and, and then telling people about it.

Chris McDonald: So what made you interested in helping therapists? I think

Tamara Howell: I really like therapists.

Chris McDonald: that's nice.

Tamara Howell: We're good. People like really nice people. They wanna help people. Yes, for sure. They're really cool to hang out with some of my best friends are therapists that I've met on the internet that I've never even, never even been in the same room with, you know, and I really consider them like, that's so cool.

I consider them like real besties, you know, and yeah, I just love that. Love that about the internet, love that I can be connected with people. And I think therapists are, I really appreciate the, the kind of depth that some therapists are really willing to go to in their introspection and their generosity.

And I find it super motivating and inspiring.

Chris McDonald: No, I hear that. That's why I love, um, well I work with therapists in therapy and, you know, I've been working with some therapists as well to help learn how to use holistic strategies in sessions. So it's, it's just it's I can't even describe, I guess, like how cool that is.

It's just fascinating to me and wonderful to make those connections with other people.

Tamara Howell: Absolutely. You know, when you get an idea and you think, oh, this would actually save someone else some time. Yeah. And I think, you know, I had a little nosy around all your stuff and I saw that you've got intake forms and Facebook ma'am group and a course and all those kinds of, and a books.

I mean, amazing like talk about multi offer ecosystem.

Chris McDonald: So that's one thing I've learned about yeah. Is doing that. Can you share what that is for people who may not know what that is?

Tamara Howell: So the first courses that I did, where I tried to learn about creating things, you know, creating kind of online offers were really taught in the model of a funnel so that you would have an opt in and then you would get a welcome sequence.

And then you might have what some people call a trip wire or a low cost offer. And then that might eventually move through a nurture sequence. And then, uh, perhaps into a self-study course or a group program or some sort of high ticket offer, some people call them and, and I just learned that method. And for me, it just like never fit.

I was always thinking like, This idea that I have, doesn't go with the other idea. This idea isn't connected with my paperwork is not connected with this other topic that I wanna teach about, you know? And so I started following people who talked about multi-office strategy, where. Each offer is independent.

Each offer is independent and can be bought on its own. And people can just sort of swim around your, your offers from place to place. And, and there's no crossover and are not, you know, doing the same thing. They're not learning the same thing in all the courses and they can come and learn one thing and go away or they can learn 20 things.

And, um, and for me that. Fits better fits better. Yeah. That makes sense. Feels more. It also feels more like, um, free and more ethical for me as well, just to kind of put something out there and just be like, well, these are all the things that I like to do, you know? Exactly.

Chris McDonald: Yeah. So why start multiple streams of income?

What are the benefits of that?

Tamara Howell: I think the main benefit for me is getting ideas out of my brain.

Chris McDonald: so you you're, you're real true on entrepreneur, right? You get a lot of these ideas when you're maybe going for a walk or

Tamara Howell: I do the same or shower, some, you know, sounds good. Exactly. I came, got out the shower the other day and I said, You know, I said to my husband, I've just had another business idea.

I've just had another business idea. And he said, can you wait until , you know, like, can you what's happening? And I was like, no, I can't, you know, I need to tell you right now, otherwise I'll forget. You know? So it often happens for me when I don't have a pen and paper available. exactly super inconvenient.

So that, I mean, that's really the main benefit I think at the beginning is getting it. Of my brain. And I think, you know, I'm not in a position where I'd love to be in a position where I'm like, all this money is coming in. It makes my life so easy. I'm not in that position. What does that

Chris McDonald: makes your life easy?

Tamara Howell: can you imagine? Um, and I think there are people who do create things. Yes. And they're just snowball and it's totally amazing. And I love that for them. And, you know, sometimes I'll have a great, like a launched a life training a few weeks ago and I think it was awesome. And I had a great time, but. Just as much as however many people bought it is great.

The experience that I had creating it and, and attending and connecting with people was, you know, just as great as if I had, you know, created it for less money or for no money. So for me, it's very much about like connecting and creating opportunity.

Chris McDonald: Connecting and creating opportunity. I think that's really a great thing to remember.

And I think too, as therapists, that, especially if you're in private practice, that we get paid by session, and let's say you get sick. If you don't have multiple streams of income, then where's the money gonna come from. So I think it does offer some more flexibility and opportunity. Like you mentioned that maybe you could still have some income

Tamara Howell: coming.

I love that idea. Yeah. And, and I think also if you wanna take a month off, a lot of people like to take, you know, yes. August off in the countries where I spend time. And if you wanna take a month off, then that might be more doable. If you have a few things set up that are, don't really believe in the word passive income, but,

Chris McDonald: um, it's not passive, is it.

You got some work invested upfront right in, right. It's

Tamara Howell: scalable scaling scalable time. Yeah. You know? Yeah, absolutely. So I mean, a lot of the time I end up doing things where it is a small group or it is, you know, I might do some, one to one work, but some things are scalable paperwork template. You know, intake forms, those sorts of things that is scalable sharing, you know, sharing, uh, Trello boards and, and spreadsheets and Google docs and all of those things are scalable.

So there's so much opportunity. There's so much opportunity in that. And I think also the other thing for me is the experimentation that's available. You know, like it's really fun to try things out and. You know, to try things differently and you know, to do I like doing experiential group, uh, zoom calls, or I've just started doing zoom office hours.

Uh, not zoom, um, Voxer office hours and just trying out all these different things and seeing like what's a good fit for you right now in your life. Like what fits into your day? What else can you, you know, what feels fulfilling and inspiring for you? So

Chris McDonald: these groups, you said experiential groups. So is that when you have an idea and you just try to bounce off ideas with other therapists,

Tamara Howell: Yeah.

So, um, I created a group program a few years ago at the beginning of the pandemic called learn to love online therapy, and I've done it, uh, five times now I've done it with five cohorts. Nice. And it's amazing. So what I did was, um, they would get, get a scripted video training once a week, and then I would do a workshop where we implemented that module.

And, you know, workbook and all the other things that we put into lovely, wonderful courses, but in the workshop, we would actually learn the thing or experience the thing as opposed to just look at slides and listen to the thing. So for example, we might do. Um, ethical dilemmas and go into breakout groups and talk about how we would deal with an ethical dilemma.

And without obviously saying this at the beginning of the session, the answer for each of them would be paperwork related. So that would be what we would do in the paperwork module. The answer would always be like, you need to get a release of information or you need to follow this protocol. Or, and so we.

We would actually, um, do introductory call practice. And so I heavily feature partner practice in a lot of my trainings and that stuff is so fun. It's so amazing because even when you role play, like you still go through the emotions and the experience, you know? Oh yeah, for sure. Um, So few of us do that after our initial training, that, um, that it's really, you know, it's a great experience.

So when I did the experiential training a couple of weeks ago, it was for a course that I've created called creating your network, your referral network your way. And so the first call I did was just training, showing the slides. Then I finished the course and then I. Experiential call just as a bonus for fun.

And people went into small breakout groups and they answered a series of questions that I gave them and then came back and we processed together. And that kind of thing is like so fun for me, you

Chris McDonald: know? Yeah. I can tell, can hear the excitement.

Tamara Howell: So I think when we find things like that, I'm always trying to find like, how else can we make this experiential?

How can we make this an embodied learning experience? You

Chris McDonald: know, And that's how we learned too. I've learned a lot with learning styles and I like how you start with a recorded and cuz that's one learning style could be visuals with that and hearing, but then to actually experience it and practice in a role play, that's putting it a whole other level.


Tamara Howell: it? Absolutely. I mean, something that I've really learned from doing loads and loads and loads of courses and coaching. Yeah. Is that I appreciate. So much when learning materials are available to me in different formats. So videos, slides, audio. I always put notes now underneath my slides and I like a workbook, not because I always fill it in.

Right. But because I like to see the journey.

Chris McDonald: That's another hands on way to, to work with what you're learning.

Tamara Howell: Absolutely. Yeah. So I, you know, I, I think knowing ourselves and, and, and also being able to, um, not do the bits of things that we don't like. So, you know, I've enrolled in loads and loads of courses just because there's one module I really, really wanna I really want to do.

And then just being able to let ourselves off the hook and go like, okay, well, whatever, I'll come back to it. If I ever want to you.

Chris McDonald: Right. Exactly. So I guess thinking about our audience, that there, there are mental health therapists. Some, you know, might work for agencies. Some might work on their own or with a group practice.

So I guess what would be some common streams of income for therapists that they could make available for clients? What are some ideas. I

Tamara Howell: always think about what am I using every day. That feels, that feels like it makes my work quicker, more enjoyable or more easy, you know, and whatever you are using that is doing that.

Is something that you could make available to someone else. So when I created my paperwork, I'm sure it's the same process for everyone who makes templates is we do loads and loads of research. We write our documents, we read out the documents to make sure they make sense. And then maybe we might te like, I took mine to a lawyer and I got feedback and went back and forth with them for ages and ages.

And so for me, I was like, well, I'm using this every time I do an intake, I could save someone else, potentially hundreds of hours. You know, and you can make that into a download or you can make it into a course. You can make it into a training. Those are the main things that I think about, but there are of course, lots of other, there are lots of other models out there.

So I've got a membership. I've got a membership as well. It's not really a membership. It's sort of a, uh, it's sort of a membership slash group program hybrid because it ends, it's not ongoing. It interesting. That's interesting. Um, but the commitment was for a year, so it feels like membership, but it's very long

Chris McDonald: I kinda like that, that there's an end to it too.

Tamara Howell: I mean, I really like making new things, but I also really like knowing when they end that's true. Cause then you feel

Chris McDonald: like, oh, this is forever

Tamara Howell: even if you like it. Right. Exactly. Exactly. But I think that people can definitely start with like down. I think that you can make a checklist for something. Yeah.

And this could save someone so much time. I have had, I don't even like advertise this anywhere, apart from the occasional, like marketing Monday, but I have a download about international therapy practice, just a freebie. Oh. And something like 650 people have downloaded that that's amazing. Wow. And I don't know who they are and I don't know how they found it, but, you know, 650 people have that download, right?

Yeah. And it's just a checklist and then a Q and a on the questions that I get tagged for the most about international practice. But see,

Chris McDonald: that's something though, I think with therapists that I've had, you know, I've been, I'm in a lot of Facebook groups or talked to other therapists mm-hmm and that's international.

The, I don't find any information anywhere. So that's an amazing resource. You have, you.

Tamara Howell: Thanks. So now you can tell me anytime there's a question I can I know. Cause it's

Chris McDonald: I'm yeah, cause I'm a clinical supervisor and I've had, you know, supervise either and I'm like, I don't know. like, I have no idea how that works.

So it's like, that's so cool though. I think that you found a really good area. That's not addressed that there's not much information out there. Yeah. And I,

Tamara Howell: I think sometimes that a lot of people don't create a mul, uh, second income stream or multiple income streams, cuz they're afraid that the information is already out there.

Um, exactly. Yeah. What I would say is that, you know, the way that each person presents the information is different. So there are lots and lots of courses that are about similar topics, but they're all presented differently. And I think that there's room for everybody, someone else can go and make course about international therapy practice.

I mean, actually Kim Toson made a course. Called the traveling therapist and I to a lesson in there. Nice. And, and she sends people to that download actually. So there's a lot of ways that we can work in synergy. Yeah. And I'm

Chris McDonald: so glad you said that, cuz I've even had that thought, like, you know, I wanna do a longer course of teaching yoga and clinical practice, but I'm like, isn't there already so many out there.

that's my first thought that comes up. But from what you said, every, everybody offers something different

Tamara Howell: too. Absolutely. And if you haven't made it before and you already have followers. Then they're gonna wanna know your perspective exactly. To learn with you about that. Sounds like a great topic for a course.


Chris McDonald: Well, I have found in this podcast that some of our most downloaded episodes are, um, like trauma informed yoga was, um, one of those, and that was Christine Weber, who I studied under. And, and I found that my listeners are so interested in how to do this, but how to do it ethically, legally, and, you know, making sure you're doing it the right

Tamara Howell: way.

Absolutely. I think that's where we can really support people because yeah, we get lots of ideas, but we don't know how to do them. So exactly. You know, for example, when people download my international therapy practice download, it's not a list of countries that are like, yeah, sure. Do whatever you like.

It's. A checklist of like, you know, check your liability insurance, then Google these terms and then do this and then write this down and document this because what we are really doing is just giving people the process that they can, you know, then follow themselves. And everybody has a process that is valuable for someone else to know.

Chris McDonald: I think that's really good for a therapist to remember that are listening. That the way you approach it may feel like, oh, everybody does this, but it's not there are unique things about you. And as I sat back and, you know, I had my recent, um, holistic webinar series and the first one was startup strategies for yoga, for using yoga with clients.

And, but then I realized there are some things that came up. I don't know if it's, because you start thinking about these things and get the ball rolling with creativity. But some things I hadn't thought of, I thought this could be really helpful for therapists. So I included that in my course, too. I don't know if that happens to you as well.

Once you get the ball rolling on some things that you discover, some new, new things that you hadn't thought of.

Tamara Howell: Absolutely when I just made this, um, when I just made this training and create your referral network, your way it started off with just being like, how can you create a referral network without TikTok and social media and Instagram?

How can you just do direct marketing effectively? And it ended up, I kept thinking, oh, we can do this. Oh, we can do this. And oh, everyone should know about how to make referrals and how to do pro. Uh, reports and how we should do discharge summaries and graduation reports. And that's all part of building a, you know, and I just kept getting all these ideas.

So now it's just turned into this sort of beast of like a course and template mine, you know, a vault really. But yeah, I think, I think that's amazing how it snowballs and we get ideas and then more ideas and, and provide so much value that way. And I

Chris McDonald: I've been working on building my intuition too, and connection, and I don't know your spiritual beliefs, but I connect to the divine too.

And I, I really believe in putting that out there and the universe and, and the more we put out there with abundance too, the more that we get, right. That this is something and, or even asking a question, right. I'll ask a question about something I'm trying to research or learn and. It's amazing what I get.

some, some things that come to me, insights, or, you know, maybe an idea to look somewhere at this certain place for something that I'm researching. And that's kind of my.

Tamara Howell: Yeah, absolutely. I love that. Like putting, putting the question. Yeah. Asking a question. And also I think on the, on the topic of abundance, I've really, I really try to follow the people who have been incredibly generous to me.

So when I first moved to Paris and I opened a practice there, there was a therapist from LA who'd lived here a couple years ahead of me. And she went through my whole. Of like names I'd gleaned from the internet. She told me like, you should contact this person. And she introduced me to people and she helped me set out my practice.

And then when I got into supporting therapists and I did some coaching with different people, they've been incredibly, incredibly generous. I did coaching with Amber Lider. She teaches online therapy. Yeah. And I eventually taught online therapy in a different way. I do experiential work. Yeah. Okay. And she.

Incredibly generous. She was like, here, take my resources. Here's this information. Whereas many people would've seen that as some form of competition or a conflict of interest and she absolutely does. That's wonderful. Has never. And so those kind of examples, I just really tried to, I try to emulate anytime.

Feeling of like, oh, someone else got there first. I just really remind myself there's space for everybody

Chris McDonald: there's space for everybody. Yeah. I think that should be a mantra if you're doing any kind of multiple stream of income. Right. cause I mean, some people get in that with therapy too, like, oh my God.

We're. You've heard the saturated market. Right. But mm-hmm, I always have come back with that, that, you know, everybody's got something different to offer we all. And like you said, there's space for everybody, for everything that you're offering and, and there's enough clients for everybody right.

Tamara Howell: Just like, just like we worry in private practice that we are not gonna have yeah.

Enough clients or that if we make a referral that, and we have space that we are gonna lose out. Exactly. That's not my experience, you

Chris McDonald: know, not at all. Yeah. I've done this for a little while now for sure. That's not, and there will be more referrals. Mm that's what I've always yeah. Try to live with that affirmation too.

There will be more tomorrow, next week, right? Yeah. Connecting with that.

Tamara Howell: Absolutely. Unfortunately, people will always need therapy is how I always see

Chris McDonald: it. That's true. Yeah, exactly. And it's been a rough couple years, so I think that, you know, they're still trying to figure. All the impact emotionally that people have had mental health wise from, from the pandemic.

Tamara Howell: Yes. Yeah, absolutely. And I think, I mean, I think that's a really good point when thinking about, um, multiple income streams, because of course I'm talking from the perspective of providing things to other therapists, right. There are plenty of therapists who have multiple income streams providing things to people in the world who are not therapists absolutely.

And, you know, sort of potential clients or, and I know that there's. There's some difficulty in some states with licensing and how to do that on different websites and how people have to process out with businesses and things like that. But I really, I really think there's so much benefit to the content of, of therapist brains and that that can be shared in different formats, you know?

So. On my therapy website. I have a download for clients, not even my clients, cuz I'm not taking new clients, but just people who visit my website, they can have a download that gives them tech tips on how to make eye contact on zoom and how to improve your online experience. And so, I mean, that's just a free download, but there are potentially so many ways that we can support people out there, you know, with the things that we we know and

Chris McDonald: feel.

Yeah, and I have a download for clients as well and, and a free download in, um, meditation, cuz that's one thing that I do teach clients too, is a meditation. So I give them a free meditation is once they wanna join the email list too. And, and just building that relationship with other clients that, that, cuz I have some people that have joined that list.

They're not clients yet, but I'm still sending out content. It's not all the time, but I still send some, I think that that's, that's part of what email is Sarg for too. You're still cause it takes a lot, a long time for somebody to reach out for therapy. I think therapists forget that.

Tamara Howell: Absolutely. And they're, they're building a relationship, even if you don't, even if you don't know, people are building a relationship with you, you know, and absolutely.

I think that's amazing. Anyone who does any meditation, you know, in sessions. I think, you know, it doesn't take too much text set up to record yourself, not at all, doing a meditation and make that available on your website or somewhere, you know, and you can do that, you know, for free, you can charge something.

You can, you know, I think I've got, sometimes I get these little. Little bits of like, buy me a coffee, you know, I've got a link hidden somewhere on the internet. I dunno where it is. I dunno where my link is, but occasionally I'll just get someone will pop five pounds in there. Nice. And it's so sweet. So great.

There's so many ways of Dore. There are so many ways that people can do things. And I think the important thing is like figuring out what do you wanna share with the world and how do you wanna do that in a way that's gonna support you? And that feels comfortable for.

Chris McDonald: Yeah, and I think that's the beauty of it.

It's what feels good for you and comfortable for you, but knowing there's so many different ways you can do that, that the possibilities are endless. And, but put it as something that you wanna connect with you cuz you don't wanna push yourself to promote courses if you hate teaching

Tamara Howell: right. Absolutely.


Chris McDonald: So find your strengths and use that.

Tamara Howell: Absolutely. And I think also sometimes people don't wanna do, um, something because they feel like they're committing. So I've got a friend who made an amazing course and put it on teachable, but teachable charges a monthly fee. Oh. And then in order to have another feature, they have to upgrade to another fee and then they feel this pressure to keep selling.

Yeah. So I think also just finding where you can put it so that you don't feel pressure. I think that's also, you know, I think that's also a good idea. The tech is really the final bit, you know, that's what I always say. Like figure out what you are gonna share, then let's figure out what method or what medium you are gonna use, whether it's gonna be a course or download something.

Or live training and then eventually, eventually, eventually the tech set up and

Chris McDonald: that's not always fun. I'm not gonna lie. cause some, some things, it takes me a minute to, to learn, but, but you can, if I can do it, you can do it. You know, it, it does take a little investigation and, and in talking to other people too, to figure out what have they used, right.

If they've been successful with a course or, you know, with whatever else you need for

Tamara Howell: technology. Absolutely. I love talking tech stack. Um, so much, and I've tried loads of different platforms and methods. Oh. So what do you like to use for courses? Okay, so I don't recommend this method oh, okay. This is helpful too.

What not to do well, so I have mine built in my website. And so I only recommend doing that if you need to edit and change things very frequently, and you're very comfortable with updating things, yourself and maintaining responsibility for it. um, so I don't often recommend that, but I use thrive themes for my website and I really love it.

And so within that is thrive apprentice, which is a plugin where you can put courses. So I also use heartbeat for my membership, which is a it's an app. Oh, interesting. That's super fun. You can actually put courses in there and. I really love it so much. You can create cohorts and private threads. You can put your events in there.

I've got like weekly co-working in there and there's a voice room. So I love heartbeat. I've tried, tried teachable, and I think teachable is a solid choice. I think, think if it might have a slightly better. Fee structure, but I think that they're very solid choices. And then there are some which I would really only recommend if you are very sure that you are gonna be making regular income every month, like Kajabi, which is great, but you need to be able to maintain the, the monthly

Chris McDonald: fee.

Yeah, well, that's good. I'm glad you mentioned that too. Cuz that I got one. Sorry. Yeah,

Tamara Howell: go ahead. Go ahead. I forgot a good, a good option is also thrive cart and thrive cart learn, which is on a lifetime deal. So it's a big layout at the beginning, but then you never have to pay anymore. Oh, so that's also a good option.

Chris McDonald: That's kind of cool. Yeah. That's good to know. So I know you mentioned that you're launching in September. I know we're not recording in September. We're in August right now, but you're launching the bundle. So can you talk more about that? What that is?

Tamara Howell: Yeah. So by the time people hear this, hopefully it will have been a wonderful success.

The bundle is a collection of resources from multiple therapist creators. So. 40 therapist creators who've made downloads and courses are giving access to people who buy thera bundle. So you pay a one time fee of $97. You get access to all the discount codes for all the 40 resources, and then you can sign up for as many of those resources as you want in the space of the month following the sale.

So I, I hope I explained that. Wow. So

Chris McDonald: 40, 40 different resource.

Tamara Howell: Yeah, so 40 different courses about like websites and marketing and skills and all sorts of amazing, amazing resources. That are all worth more than that $97


Chris McDonald: Of course. Yeah. No, that's a great offer. I appreciate you

Tamara Howell: sharing that. Yeah.

So I'm, I'm super excited. I got the idea from buying someone else's bundle and then I was like, oh, I should do this with therapists. And it's been a massive, massive undertaking. Nice. And so hopefully we'll be an amazing success. Yeah.

Chris McDonald: Yeah. So what's a takeaway you could share today that might help listeners who are just starting this journey with multiple streams of.

Tamara Howell: I was trying to think of something very profound earlier and it doesn't have to be . Thank you. But talking to you, I think that what I'm left with and what I hope people will be left with is that there is always a way just because we don't know what it is yet. It doesn't mean that we can't make it happen.

It might sometimes feel like we don't know how to get our course out there or our download out there. Just like, we don't know how to open our practice and fill it right. Yes. At the beginning, sometimes we don't know things. We're not meant to know them. I just wanna encourage people to like do it your way.

There's no right way of doing it. And there is always some way of getting it out there.

Chris McDonald: Yes, there is. There's always a way, you know, the, the wisest word somebody had told me when I first was gonna start my practice, she goes, it's just three words. Anything is possible. That was all . But to me, it was just like, whoa, what really?

Tamara Howell: I do. I do feel that in the therapy, you know, in the therapy community. Yeah. That can really, that can become true in places where it hasn't been true before, because yeah, we are a really helpful bunch. Isn't that true. We are really helpful people and we will support each other. So asking for help, I think is a good way to make that

Chris McDonald: happen.

Yeah, exactly. So what's the best way for listeners to find you and learn more about you? Uh, the

Tamara Howell: best way for people to find me is to go to my website practice with tomorrow.com. Um, my Instagram is actually, it's actually a very good example of doing things your way. I don't like posting on social media.

And so I just have a business card on Instagram. It's just interesting. It's just a grid with nine posts that lead you to free offers of mine and pictures. And it's just a business card. So you can find me there. Instagram. Whatever the beginning of Instagram is www.is instagram.com/practice with Tamara.

Chris McDonald: Okay. Practice with tomorrow, but thank you so much for coming on the podcast

Tamara Howell: tomorrow. Thank you so much for having me today.

Chris McDonald: This has been so helpful. I feel like we could talk for hours, but I, I don't think the listeners wanna hang out that long

Tamara Howell: yeah, I dunno. I'm super I'm. So I was so excited to find all your different offers and all the different ways that you I've never done a book that's like so intimidating.

So I'd love to hear more about, you know, your process around. Things sometimes we'll have to connect

Chris McDonald: on that for sure. Yeah. and to my listeners, you've reached the end of another episode of the holistic counseling podcast. Are you enjoying this episode and the podcast show your support for the show by buying me coffee, any amount is appreciated and I'll proceeds go towards paying for the mini cost of hosting a podcast.

Go to kofi.com/. HCP podcast and all of tomorrow's information will be on our show notes. This is Chris. McDonald's sending each one of you much light and low till next time. Take care. Thanks for listening to the holistic counseling podcast. Ready to engage with other holistic counselors. Head on over to my Facebook group, the holistic counseling and self care group, where you'll be able to connect with other holistic counselors.

Just like you. You'll also gain invaluable resources on holistic practices. And connect with others in a fun drama, free environment. Remember to tune in next Wednesday for another episode.

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