Episode 175 Finding Balance Through Hemp Wellness: Interview With Sarah Payne

Apr 3, 2024

What is hemp wellness and how can it help you achieve mental, emotional, and physical balance? How can you incorporate hemp-derived products into your self-care routine?

MEET Sarah Payne

Sarah Payne spends her days in the classroom as a fourth-grade teacher, and her evenings juggling the extracurriculars of her two young children, quality family time, and spreading the word about hemp wellness.  During COVID, as she navigated having two under 5 at home while also teaching virtually, she found CBD to help with her anxiety and focus and hasn’t turned back.  Her goal is to help others feel their best through Green Compass hemp wellness products and use her educational background to teach about how CBD works.

Find out more at Green Compass Global, and connect with Sarah on Instagram 


  • What are some of the misconceptions about CBD? 7:02
  • What are the benefits of CBD? 13:32
  • A look at the growing research into CBD 19:42

What Are Some Of The Misconceptions About CBD?

  • Marijuana vs. CBD
  • The importance of knowing what is in your hemp-based products
  • Are there side effects from using CBD?
  • How to determine dosages
  • What is micro-dosing?

What Are The Benefits Of CBD?

  • The importance of being consistent when using CBD?
  • What are the effects of CBD on inflammation?
  • Can CBD help you with sleep?

A Look At The Growing Research Into CBD

  • What to look for when purchasing hemp-based products
  • What are the safety concerns when purchasing CBD products
  • What does it mean for hemp to be organic?
  • What is a water-based CBD product?
  • What is the future of hemp-wellness?

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Resources Mentioned And Useful Links:

Find out more at Green Compass Global, and connect with Sarah on Instagram 


Chris McDonald: Join me in today's episode as we uncover the holistic benefits of incorporating hemp derived products into your self care routine. From CBD oils to hemp infused skincare, we'll discuss how these natural remedies can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and restore harmony to both mind and body. You will also learn practical tips for integrating these into your daily life.

Whether you're seeking relief from anxiety, chronic pain, or simply looking to enhance your overall wellbeing as a counselor, this episode offers valuable insights to help you on your holistic journey. So go ahead, get in some comfy, pull up your favorite chair and tune in to today's episode. On the holistic counseling podcast.

This is holistic counseling podcast for mental health therapists who want to deepen their knowledge of holistic modalities and build their practice with confidence. I'm your host, Chris McDonald, licensed therapist. I am so glad you're here for the journey.

Welcome to the Holistic Counseling Podcast. In today's episode, we'll delve into a topic that's gaining momentum in the world of wellness, finding balance through hemp wellness. In this episode, we clear up misconceptions of hemp product use, what to look for when looking for high quality and safe products, and the benefits to your overall holistic wellness and counselor self care.

Joining us today is Sarah Payne, who spends her days in the classroom as a fourth grade teacher and her evenings juggling the extracurriculars of her two young children, quality family time and spreading the word about hemp wellness. Her goal is to help others feel their best through Green Compass hemp wellness products and use her education background to teach about how CBD works.

And I'm sure you're going to find this episode very enlightening. Welcome to the Holistic Counseling Podcast,

Sarah Payne: Sarah. Thank you. I'm glad to be here.

Chris McDonald: Can we start with what first interested you in hemp

Sarah Payne: wellness? Perfect. I would love to tell you because this is something that I feel really passionate about, and I feel like it was a positive change in my life.

And just so the listeners know, I am a fourth grade teacher in the public school system. And so during COVID, I have a four and an eight year old now, or five and eight year old now. She just turned five. Back in those days, I had a one year old that was just learning how to walk and a four year old who was eager to be at preschool with his friends.

So you can imagine when I was trying to teach virtually while having two children. At home. It was a little crazy. And mind you, my husband was also at home doing conference calls and on the phone constantly. So between the two of us, we were trying to wrangle children while also maintain the house and stay at work.

And one of my friends mentioned that she was having a party, if you will, or an information session about CBD. And she's one of my friends from church. And I was like, Oh, gosh, okay. I don't know. We were into those kinds of things. You know, of course, I thought CBD was marijuana or weed, and it was not something that I would be able to take as a public school teacher, and so I just went to support her, and I told my husband, look, I'm going to go to this thing at Stephanie's house and Here about CBD, you know, probably not gonna buy anything.

Just gonna go listen. And he was like, no, can you listen? Because I have been reading up about it and I really think it could help me with my anxiety. And I was like, what? Really? Like, you want to take this stuff? So I go and I listen and I'm all ears. And I could hear the excitement in these people's voices and how, you know, just convinced they were that this could help me, too, and it could help my husband, and it could help all the other people that were there.

And so, we heard about the product, and at that time, this company, Green Compass, was in its Second year of business. It's local. All the hemp is grown in Wilmington. And so initially I'm like, Oh, shop local. This is amazing. I like the way this sounds. And then they start talking about, it can help with anxiety and it can help with, you know, you sleep better.

It can help you have more patience with your children. And that's when my ears, I'm like, hold on the ones I birthed are the ones I teach. So then I realized. Okay, this could actually be really good. I feel like I need this right now. One girl said like, her kids were spilling drinks and she didn't find herself coming undone about it.

I could feel that I was starting to feel stressed and overwhelmed and just overstimulated with trying to teach 24 nine year olds on the computer. You know, I took it all in and I asked a lot of questions. And I came home and I was like, look, we're going to buy a bottle of this, but we're going to share it because at first I kind of saw the price tag and thought, Oh, I just don't know.

I think let's just share a bottle, give it two weeks and see what we notice, you know, so we did. And I will tell you that it was two weeks in of taking tincture, which is the oil where I had one of those. Oh my goodness. This is working. This is helping me. And I was doing writing conferences with my students.

And at that point, they each had a five minute window because we only had certain periods of time where we were live. And then you had these other times where they were supposed to be working independently. So they each had to log in at their time and they only had five minutes for me to look at what they had written and edit it and then send it back to them.

And I had people late. I had people showing up in other people's times. I had people that were like That sounds really stressful. What was I supposed to do? And then they, you know, some of them were perfect, but I never found myself with my heart rate elevated. I never felt overwhelmed. I never felt like snippy, you know, with the ones who were at the wrong time, or didn't do their work, or whatever.

And that night I said, I think, I think that stuff is working because I felt so level today when I really should have felt like things were out of control. Right, right. So he also started noticing that he was feeling more even keel on the weekends when he doesn't take as much of his anxiety medication and we were taking the same amount.

And, He's a lot bigger than I am, and I have a higher metabolism than he does. And we started to realize like, hey, this is crazy. Like this is the same product working for both of us in different ways. Like he was noticing more anxiety. I was noticing more like stress. And I mean, in a way, it was kind of anxiety too.

But I said, you know what? I'm not buying another bottle from her. I'm going to buy one from myself. Like if this is going to help me. I know that this can help mom. This can help your mom. This can definitely help my sister. This can, I was just thinking of all the people I could help with these products and that was after trying one product.

So that's how I found out about it. That's how I started. And then three and a half years into this journey of helping people. And I mean, there have been plenty of times where I've been in tears because people have called me and said like, you don't know how much better I feel, or you don't know how much this helps me.

It just kind of. Purpose fuels passion and passion fuels purpose and that's kind of why I'm here. Yeah, no,

Chris McDonald: that's amazing. But I know a lot of people are hesitant. They have that hesitancy that you mentioned that's like, Ooh, I don't know CBD and marijuana and I don't have time to get high. And what is all, what is this all about?

Can, can you help with some of those misconceptions?

Sarah Payne: Absolutely. So kind of the purpose behind this for me is to reduce the stigma and to just educate people. Um, if you don't buy a product from me, that's totally fine. But if I've taught you the difference between marijuana and CBD or marijuana and hemp, then I feel like I've definitely made a difference.

So if you think of grape juice and wine, it's very similar to marijuana and hemp. They're cousins. And one of them has more of a medicinal purpose, and one of them has more of a psychoactive purpose. And so CBD is like the grape juice. And when you look at the levels of THC versus CBD, and CBD stands for cannabidiol.

Cannabidiol, everybody says it a little bit different, but anyways, marijuana is very high in THC, which is a psychoactive properties and low in CBD and CBD products, hemp based wellness products are high in CBD and low in THC, or even no THC at all. So, even when you look at, so if you imagine it's like a tree and you have hemp and marijuana, well, under the hemp, there's then there's the broad and the full spectrum and even just the isolate.

So, even underneath the. the CBD category, you can break that into a lot of different spaces. So it's possible for you to take hemp products, CBD products, and have no THC, which is the psychoactive properties. But if you choose to take a full spectrum product, which means it does have THC in it, it's still going to be the legal limit.

And one of, we'll get more into this a little bit later, but one of the things that differentiates Green Compass and the other companies, this ours has a QR code on the bottom of the jar. And if you scan this QR code, it actually pulls up a Google, like a Google document that tells the testing that this particular jar went through.

So the jellies that are in this jar, and it says exactly what's in it, what it's been tested for, what the levels are of each one of the cannabinoids that are in it. And to me, that's all I need to know that it's safe enough for me to take, for my kids to take, and for me to share it with everybody.

Whereas you might have side effects, of course, if you are using marijuana, you're not going to have negative side effects from using hemp based products. You're going to have positive benefits. Really, the best part about telling someone about these products is I don't ever have to finish the sentence with, but you could feel this.

So, there's really not that fine print of watch out for these side effects because they just don't have any. It's impossible to be addicted to CBD, it's, it's, you're never going to overdose. You can take, you can take too much for your receptors, that's just called flooding your receptors. And that brings about just maybe a feeling of like a queasy stomach or a headache.

But it's not meaning you can't take it, it's just saying right now you took a little bit too much for what your body needs. How do you determine

Chris McDonald: that, like how much you might need?

Sarah Payne: Yeah, so if you can imagine that every person's body is like a Christmas tree wrapped in Christmas light and, you know, imagine you're decorating and you put those lights on and you realize you've got a few bulbs that are burned out.

Okay, and that's what all of us are. We all have some things that are not really operating appropriately in our body and a lot of burnout with mental

Chris McDonald: health therapy.

Sarah Payne: Exactly, so these, these can be. Mental health things that might be a little bit off. It can also be health issues. We have receptors on our body.

I have a visual here that shows some dots all throughout our body. And you'll see that there's dots all the way from the tip of your head to the tip of your toe. And these receptors are what CBD communicates with. And those are like the Christmas lights. So if you imagine that, You know, the lights that you have burnout might be anxiety and sleep and maybe a little pain and maybe a little just like stress levels, managing your stress levels.

Whereas I might have more of some joint pain, I might need some help focusing so that I can complete tasks, which in order to complete those tasks, I might need to put my anxiety at bay. Well, we can both take a product, the exact same product, and when it goes into our system, it finds those receptors, or those burnout Christmas lights, and it reminds them to work again.

So, If you think about when you take medication, you're going to pour out some Tylenol and say, I've got a headache. I'm just going to take this Tylenol for my headache. Well, what else is it doing to your body? Right? So we don't, we don't know what other things it's treating or it's addressing, whereas when you take CBD, it's treating the whole system, your whole endocannabinoid system, which is what it communicates with.

So, even within those receptors, figuring out what works for you is like a science experiment. And you have to know your body, and you have to listen to your body to figure out what a good dose is for you. Um, and a lot of that's kind of related to what product it is. So, if you're taking a jelly, that's what we have, compared to gummies.

You know, out in some of the others, but these, um, are a little bit harder to dose just because you can't micro dose with those. Whereas if you're taking more of like a tincture, it's going to have a drop. Is that

Chris McDonald: considered micro dosing? Because I always hear that. I don't even know. Honestly, I don't know what that means.

Sarah Payne: So micro dosing just means that you can really get small amount, small amounts. Right? So the best way to start taking CBD is just low and slow. Start taking one amount, keep that same amount for about two or three days, be consistent with it, and just kind of listen to your body. Listen and feel your body.

You know, are things that normally bother you continuing to bother you? Maybe we need to up your dose a little bit. If you're feeling like, well, you know what, I'm feeling pretty good, right? Like, you're not going to feel high, you're just going to feel the absence of those things that are weighing you down or keeping you from being your best self or feeling homeostasis, which is true balance.

Yeah. Just being able to listen to your body and adjust your dose is really how to find that sweet spot. But something that I found is that the same sweet spot is not always true. So you have to, you know, if you know you got a stressful day coming up and maybe you got an interview or maybe you're doing a podcast or maybe, maybe you're going on a flight.

The anticipatory anxiety. Yeah, those are great to take a little bit more to kind of prepare yourself. So these products can be preventive, but also reactive. I like to think of them as being both. If you really are listening to your body, they can help you in both situations.

Chris McDonald: Yeah, because I'm so glad I had met you at a networking event because I did buy some of these and the way you describe it to you.

It's like, it helps take the edge off for me. Yeah, it's not like, it's like a profound, it's like a Xanax or something or, you know, like, way too mellow, but no, it's just, it's like, oh.

Sarah Payne: Wow. Okay. Well, it's just to me. I like to think of it as a daily vitamin. If you take something every single day, you're taking it because you think it's going to help you either prevent some kind of sickness, right?

Or make you better from something that you already have. And this is if you treat it like a daily vitamin. You'll notice that your days are a lot more even keel. It's not saying you're never going to feel those negative emotions. It just means they might not throw you such a curveball that.

Chris McDonald: So opening our window of tolerance, if you've heard of that, just how much stress can we take in a day before we're thrown into that hyper arousal or hypo arousal of depression.

Sarah Payne: And it also, I mean, if you think of. Inflammation everywhere, you know, in our brain is what causes a lot of our mental health and also in our body is what causes a lot of our pain. This is the mother of all anti inflammatories. That's what CBD is. And that's why it can help with arthritis. It can help with mental health.

It can help with sleep. Oh, so chronic pain too. Yeah, it can help with asthma. I mean, if you think about what. I mean, calming down all of that inflammation, um, it helps with digestion, it helps with gut health. I mean, all of these things are a result of inflammation. So this is trying to put that inflammation at bay.

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So is this

better to take, like you said, a vitamin E daily consistently for the

Sarah Payne: result? Consistency is key. It's not saying that if you have a day where you don't take it, you feel withdrawal or nothing bad happened, right? You just might notice that your fuse is shorter, or maybe you're feeling more overwhelmed or your pain is a little bit stronger.

Whatever it is you're taking it for. You might feel, you know, maybe some. Some of that a little bit more. I personally take a digestive health jelly every day, which is it actually doesn't have CBD and it has just apple cider vinegar, black pepper, and then some other, um, all natural ingredients that promote healthy digestion and gut health.

Also helps with indigestion, really like any kind of heartburn and indigestion. And I also take a broad spectrum jelly every day. There might be some days where I take a little bit more of maybe some full spectrum. If I know that I've got a lot of parent conferences or if I've got a big meeting, I need to be really focused.

And then it's almost like

Chris McDonald: knowing yourself and what's going on in your life. And that can vary, I guess, with the dosage

Sarah Payne: and with sickness, like there's things that help with your immune system. So like right now, when I've got five students absent for all different types of sicknesses. I've been hitting the CBDA because CBDA binds to those receptors that help fight off thickness.


Chris McDonald: okay. It's interesting. You mentioned sleep. So I was like, I told my husband about it and I was like, Hey, do you want to try it? So he took one and he's like, I don't know if it was that gummy, but I slept so good. Yeah, he was just like profound, like difference. It was

Sarah Payne: amazing. That kind of brings up, I didn't even take it for good sleep.

You know, when I initially took it, it was more for just patient than. Anxiety and you know, trying to be a little bit more focused and I did find myself sleeping harder and that's because sleep is one of those receptors. So all of these broad or full spectrum will address your sleep receptor. But we do have sleep jellies, which are specifically for sleep.

Oh, there is. Okay. And they're actually made from CBN, which is a cannabinoid specifically for sleep cycles. Think of it as like an all natural, whatever it is that helps you sleep. I just had a brain fart. That's okay. Yeah. It would be like taking NyQuil, but it doesn't have those negative side effects.

You're not going to wake up feeling groggy, so it helps you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling like you really had a good rest. Yeah, so many people

Chris McDonald: are sleep deprived, and I know many therapists too. It's, it's, we have a lot going on. There's a lot of needs we're addressing. We have to hold so much space, so if you can get your sleep, I think that's like the ultimate self care

Sarah Payne: for us.

Right. I mean, and you can even start taking the other products and realize, wow, I feel so much better in so many different areas, even though I took it for my back pain, you know, so even if you might not think that you would benefit from these products, you don't lose anything by trying them. You won't know unless you try them.

My children take them all the way to my 80 year old next door neighbor back home next to my parents take it. People of all ages, including your animals, because any Uh, mammal with a spine has an endocannabinoid system, which is what CBD communicates with.

Chris McDonald: I appreciate you sharing that because I never really knew like what it was.

I've bought it before from other people. I was like, I have no idea what it's doing or, you know, how, how it can benefit, but it's good to know that there's so much benefit from there. So is there research that shows some of these benefits

Sarah Payne: too? Absolutely. I know that hemp is just scratching the surface with.

Getting out there for other people. And that's why you probably see so many hemp shops around. And so, you know, there's a lot of states who have legalized marijuana and that allows for them to have higher THC levels. And North Carolina is not one of those yet. So we're still delivering safe products, but we are also, our founders, Meredith and Sterling Cook are actually taking part in the U S hemp round table in Congress.

They got invited to be on that to help with the regulation. So they are helping come up with all the guidelines that are going to be put in place across the nation for what. What has to be present and CBD products in order for them to be legal. So, when you're buying your hemp products, the things that are really important for you to make sure that you're looking at are whether they are 3rd party lab tested and whether.

The people can tell you where their hemp is coming from. Most people, uh, that are producing hemp in large quantities are importing their hemp from China, and hemp is used in China to clear their air, and it's a very absorbent plant, so it's gross, and they are selling it, and Americans, or whoever it is that's creating these products, are making them As much product as I can from as little CBD as possible or a little hemp as possible.

And they're using the whole plant, which means like it's just disgusting products when you buy it from hempies or wherever down the corner. It's not going to be clear like this. It's going to probably have stuff floating in it. It's probably going to be a really weird color. Um, and it's probably going to taste like hemp.

I mean, it's not going to have a very refreshing flavor. So, that's kind of what made Sterling and Meredith, our founders, want to create Green Compass, this company out of North Carolina, was because they wanted clean products that they could take and know that it was actually helping them, as opposed to just Buying something like you said, I'm thinking, well, I don't really know.

Chris McDonald: I always have that hesitancy when I see, you know, there's all these places popping up, but I'm like, Ooh, I don't know. Is this safe or where's this coming from? Like you said, and because is there safety concerns with some of these pop

Sarah Payne: up shops? And absolutely. So they are putting fentanyl and other things in the lace products.

I mean, you can look on the news. At any time and probably find 3 or 4 news stories that are current about kids that have taken their parents CBD products and overdose or ended up in the hospital. And so our products are organic and the, our actual hemp is grown by us. So we control the whole process from the seed to the seal.

So we have 6th generation farmers who grow all of our hemp in Chadburn, North Carolina. And it is USDA certified organic, and it passed the, I don't know if you're familiar with what it takes to be considered organic. I heard it's a lot, yeah. It is, and we passed, the most recent scoring or whatever, we got 100%.

So, they're crossing their T's and dotting their I's to make sure that this stuff is safe for everybody. And the third party lab testing is kind of, it goes back to that QR code that I mentioned on the bottom of these products. You know what is in the bottle that you're taking. So, Are on the backs of most of the jelly jars and then also the boxes of the teachers.

It's going to have all of these lab tested GMO free, cruelty free, vegan and natural, gluten free, pesticide free and kosher. There aren't many places where you're going to go that you're actually going to see a label that has all that information on it. Most of them are just slapping a label on their product.

And you have to ask, can you tell me a little bit about this? Like what's in this? Where is this hemp from? And most people don't know they need to be asking these questions. Right, exactly. Right now, without it being a regulated market, anybody can take a bottle like this, they can take it into a toilet bowl, fill it up with water, put a seal on it of some sort, and put it on their, their counter.

So it makes me want to stand at the door of these CBD shops and say, don't go in there. This is what you need because you're going to take a whole lot of that stuff. Can you say that

Chris McDonald: again? So the questions you should ask, so where's the hemp from?

Sarah Payne: Right. Where, where is the hemp grown? Is it organic? And has this product been third party lab tested?

Has it been third

Chris McDonald: party? Okay. So those are all good questions,

Sarah Payne: Diane. Yes. And is it water based? A lot of the products that are being sold are diluted. And they don't have as much oomph, okay? So, you know, people a lot of times say, well, like, I don't know, I don't, I don't really want to pay that much for my hemp, you know, or my CBD.

It's like, okay, so you'll buy that for super cheap, not knowing what's in it or what it's doing to you. And it's diluted. Whereas you can use this and it'll last you a month or a month and a half. This one bottle, because it actually has a lot of power behind it, right? Like everything that's in this bottle matters.

Okay. One thing that matters and diluted with water or in a carrier oil that is going to not make it as powerful. Yeah. Did you say

Chris McDonald: so with, um, chronic pain? Because I'm thinking for myself, so it does, there's, has there been research with that too with

Sarah Payne: chronic pain? Absolutely. Arthritis. Joint, just basic joint

Chris McDonald: pain.

And so the inflammation, I think you said

Sarah Payne: too. Yeah, any kind of inflammation, which essentially is why we have pain in our joints and our muscles, but arthritis. And if you look up a lot of athletes are, I mean, the NFL has done tons of stuff about it, that they've, they've put a lot of money into research about CBD in their athletes.

And it's, that's because it's a safe product for them to take for this pain that's non addictive. So, I mean, any kind of like, there's cream, but there's also this product. So the product that you have, the full spectrum jellies can definitely help with your everyday pain. But then there's also those added products that if you want to target that area, you can specifically look at those.

Like, there's a boost line that uses terpene, which are the part of a flower slash plant that gives it an aroma. And the terpenes and hemp, there's 120 of them, and they each have a medicinal purpose. And so our scientists have found all the ones that treat pain and put them all together in a bottle. So it's called boost pain.

So essentially what it does is when it's paired with your CBD, it boosts its effect towards your pain. There's also one for sleep, one for metabolism and one for your immune system. And then we have creams like this. It's like icy hot with CBD in it, which this is amazing. Our family has multiple bottles of this because it's great for growing pains and young kids.

My son's been putting it on his legs. It's also great for just like neck, you know, muscle tightness, but then I know that my parents have multiple friends who've had different joints replaced, you know, their hips or their knees, and they have used this as part of their recovery. Wow.

Chris McDonald: Yeah, because I know I have tried some from another shop, but unfortunately I never asked those questions.

I'm like, I don't know where it comes from, but it, but it has helped, you know, 'cause I think targeting sometimes with chronic pain is difficult. 'cause I would take like a supplement and it didn't do much. But I'm like, I don't know if sometimes just targeting for chronic pain I think is helpful with the creams and stuff.

Sarah Payne: Absolutely. It

Chris McDonald: makes sense for sure. So, Sarah, was there anything else that you would want to share that maybe someone that still hesitates with using any kinds of these products? I

Sarah Payne: just think for me, I, I would encourage you to think about this as an all natural way for you to feel your best. I think there is.

Something that every single person is dealing with that these products can help. So if you find yourself going to your medicine cabinet frequently, or you find yourself on the lookout for something that is holistic and all natural with limited side effects and easy to bring into your daily repertoire, right, or your daily routine in the morning, this is a great place to start.

I don't think there's anybody out there that wants to buy low quality stuff or things that are not going to help them. And so it's worth it for you to spend a little money to have a whole body experience of feeling balanced and your best. Yeah. And I,

Chris McDonald: for me, as part of the holistic counseling podcast, but I feel like it can be part of your holistic, everything that you do in your lifestyle too, is because I, it's not like giving up.

I'm not giving up yoga and. Breathwork and all the importance, you know, coping skills to me. It's like an additional help

Sarah Payne: for my body. Well, and it can honestly replace prescriptions that you're taking. And, you know, I think a lot of people have to get it out of their head that like, Oh, but I can get this prescription for this copay.

Why would I, you know, switch over to that? But it's eliminating the side effects. It's knowing that you're taking something that is just so much better for you. Um, and it doesn't have to be long term. You know, this stuff can be taken temporarily to kind of get you feeling your best. And then you can, you can wean yourself to take a smaller amount or, you know, just have it on hand for when you know that you're going to have those stressful days.

I mean, my daughter only, we only give them to her when she's kind of I mean, she's 5, right? She's feeling all the emotions for the first time and learning how to express herself. And they've really helped her be able to reasonably react to normal situations where you have to learn executive functioning and you have to learn what is, what is socially acceptable.

Whereas my son, he doesn't take them all the time, but. You know, occasionally he'll feel like his brain's on nonstop and he needs to just chill it out so he can go to bed. He'll take a sleep jelly. So I can see it could be different for different people too. Absolutely. And I would, I mean, I'm available to walk people through a conversation of like, what are some things you'd like to eliminate?

Or what are some things that you feel like are holding you back from being your best? And I, I typically work up a good, better, best product suggestion. So. A great place to start. If you're wanting the full entendre, I'll tell you, you need to buy these products and give them a try. And we have a 30 day money back guarantee.

So that's how much we believe in our products. Try them for 30 days, take every jelly out of the jar or take every bit of this tincture and you don't think it changed you, they will give you your money back. Wow, that's pretty incredible. Truly a win

Chris McDonald: win. So what do you see as the future with

Sarah Payne: hemp wellness?

That's a great question, and it also makes me really excited just because I feel like this is going to be in doctor's offices, and this is going to be my house. What people are keeping in their homes, you know, our hope that green compass is to be a household name and for people to be really familiar with how it can help them.

And I think that when, when you look at the numbers of our, the projections of hemp, but also green compass. We are responsible for over 12 percent of hemp sales in the nation, and that's hard to do, you know, so we're just going to continue to tell people about hemp and how it can help them and really just never stop, you know, I mean, until we feel like we got it in the hands of everybody that we.

Love and care for we're going to keep talking about it. So I think that knowing that Congress has created the hemp roundtable and feels passionately about setting really clear regulations. It's not going to be long before you're going to notice that those shops in the shopping centers that are selling hemp are going to be shutting down because they don't have a foot to stand on or they don't have those regulations in place.

And that's where. We're already ahead of the game and going to take off, especially when marijuana becomes legal. I don't really know what that's going to look like for our company, but I have no doubt that our scientists have, have really thought about that and got something planned out. So they're always coming out with new stuff.


Chris McDonald: And that's the beautiful thing. I feel like holistic wellness in general is opening up more and even yoga's integrated more spaces and which to me, it's like that can lead to more healing overall. I mean, physically, mentally, spiritually, everything. It's. It's all coming together. I think more than it ever has before, but we all need it more than ever

Sarah Payne: before.

Exactly. And this is, this is helping kind of like you, you know, it's, it's bringing about those healthy conversations about mental health and also giving people an outlet to fix it as opposed to just put a bandaid on it. I think that your therapy in combination with products like this, a combination with like, you're talking about yoga and there's other outlets.

I think we're on the right track to helping people. Yeah, hopefully.

Chris McDonald: So what's the best way for listeners to find you and learn more about you? So

Sarah Payne: I, hopefully you'll be able to share my link. That would be great too. That just is an online shop. It works a lot like Amazon. So you don't even have to talk to me.

If you want to try the products, you can click on that link and you'll automatically save 10 on your first purchase and you can order it. It'll come straight to your house. I don't touch any of the product. If you want to get in touch with me to have a conversation about that. You're welcome to post my email address and people can reach out to me or include that.

Yeah, we

Chris McDonald: can put that in the show. No,

Sarah Payne: yeah, that'd be great. I work full time and do this on the side, but I try my best to get in touch with people within a reasonable amount of time to kind of help set that up. But also on the website, if you are thinking like, I don't know this Sarah girl, I don't know about calling her and telling her all my problems.

So she can tell me what to say on the website. It's actually very user friendly. If you go to it, there's a drop down menu where you can choose the problem that you're having. And then it will show you the products that are associated with that problem. And then it also has it split up by delivery method, because there's the jellies, which are their gelatin don't have any gelatin and ours are water based.

That's why they work faster. So, usually, if you're taking a gummy somewhere else, you're going to get, like. 5 percent bioavailability, which means your body gets 5 percent of the CBD, and ours is 95%. That's why they work fast and they work well. But anyway, so it hasn't broken down into, like, edibles, which are our jellies.

Then it has tinctures, and then it also has topicals, which are those creams. And then there's also a skincare line, and then a, the pet line. So it has all the pets. So there is a pet line, really? Yeah, there's bacon flavored tincture and also I think the pet treats are also bacon flavored. I don't have a pet, but I know people love the treats for when they know a thunderstorm is coming or the 4th of July or before the groomer when the dog knows they're about to get in that car and they do not want to go, you just pop one of those treats in it.

Okay. And you said for cats too. Absolutely. Yeah. Oh, okay.

Chris McDonald: Awesome. Well, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today, Sarah, I can tell you're passionate about this.

Sarah Payne: Yeah. Exciting for me. It's fun to help people in a different way.

Chris McDonald: Absolutely. And thank you listeners for being here as well. I have a question for you.

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So grab your copy today at hcpodcast. org. That's hcpodcast. org forward slash self care. And once again, this is Chris McDonald sending each one of you much light and love till next time. Take care. Thanks for listening. The information in this podcast is for general educational purposes only, and it is given with the understanding that neither the host, the publisher, or the guests are giving legal financial counseling or any other kind of professional advice.

If you need a professional, please find the right one for you.

Sarah Payne: The Counseling Podcast

Chris McDonald: is proudly part of the SiteCraft Network.

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Self-Care for the Counselor - a holistic guide for helping professionals by Christine McDonald , MS,NCC,LPCS